About Bonnie

More about Bonnie Salamon

Bonnie Salamon

Wisdom of Aging Guide, Life Cycle Celebrant, Entrepreneur,

Facilitator, Speaker, Certified Gerontologist ~ and Lifelong Learner.

Imagine that your mailbox hangs just outside your apartment door. You can either take a step out to get the mail, or you can reach around the corner of the door, and easily grab the mail that way. When the fear is so overwhelming that you cannot even pluck it from its receptacle each day without going into a full-blown, heart pounding, sweat producing panic attack, you know you have a problem! Going to the grocery store often meant leaving the basket in the middle of the store, the shopping not completed, because the anxiety and agoraphobia were overwhelming.

My teen and young adult years were filled with these agonies, and I often wondered if I could EVER have a normal life. For me, there were many lost years, and it became evident that I would be a late bloomer. Additional years of working with coaches, therapists, and my own strong will to have a fulfilling life, have all contributed to great satisfaction and abundance in my life.

Along the way, Bonnie managed the credit departments of, and wrote the corporate credit policies for an international hotel chain, and a satellite communications company. She also directed the Small Business Development Center at North Georgia Technical College, in addition to owning and running her own commercial collection agency for over 35 years.

At age 57, I founded a non-profit organization for Boomers and Beyond called AgeLess; at 60, I became Autumn’s Fire and started a business of the same name; at 65 created The Nourished Soul: Caring For Your YOUniverse.

Today, I have earned a certificate in Gerontology, and am an Inner Wisdom Coach for Juicy Third-Act, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs-in-Waiting. I facilitate groups for those wishing to connect to Nature and their own Essence. I run two successful businesses, am a wife, mother, and grandmother, travel to destinations all over the world, am a life-long learner, and find joy in every day.

My passion and joy is to assist Juicy Third-Act, Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurs-in-Waiting to LIVE their Life Purpose and create the Prosperity that is theirs for the taking. I do this through one-on-one coaching programs, group processes, tele-seminars, and live events. Programs are available no matter the age or location of the participants. Autumn’s Fire is dedicated to Reigniting Power, Passion, and Purpose!

I am delighted about where my Third-Act journey has taken me! By enriching the lives of others, I dwell in Third-Act bliss. How about you?

For more information, call 404-502-0497, use the contact form below, or email bsalamon@autumnsfire.org.

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